Linguists in the Wild: From Irish to Kurdish to freeing the language Diamonds from the ashes, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

Linguists in the Wild: From Irish to Kurdish to freeing the language Diamonds from the ashes,

by Countess Sigrid von Galen

In one of my random searches on my quest to link history with today's linguistic reality I came across the thoughts of Elizabeth J. Payne, from her early days in Harvard to her more recent publications featured below.

Language is a living thing, and sound and meaning mutations, and new word and sound creations are constantly happening right on our door steps and in our homes.

The very interaction and communication between speakers of various tongues, accents and dialects is the stream of milk and honey that nourishes and sustains neighbourhoods, families and ever changing civilizations.

We are all part of this process that is happening more than ever in lightspeed in the spoken world, jumping out of old boxes, free of the restraints of officially imposed categories and of the dead vocabularies of bureaucracy and from the smokescreen science monopoly.

Wherever human beings live in their oral tradition peacefully, they also immerse in all that is good and filled by neighbourly grace, thus from children to great- and grand parents all mingle and understand each other perhaps not always to the last dot but they embrace each other's values and speak face to face.

Thus, suddenly, an Irish or Hebrew sound or word finds its echo in a Kurdish home, and the old Magi stories and Irish mythology share a missing link in oral lore that is completed by a new made from old shore.

The journey of spoken living languages is a never-ending one but timeless and wholesome, as it makes visible and audible the intentions of the speakers, and one word said in grace and hope, or in a more difficult situation, with peaceful determination, proves the desire to become one as a human nation - 

especially, where those, who reject any blood path and have fled an imposed culture of wrath, want nothing but peace through justice and truth. 

There is no need for greed, nor is there for any other creed than truth in all things, when a Kurdish, Welsh, Irish, Jewish, Sufi, Sinti or otherwise peace seeking native speaker together to each other's children a lullaby sings, as human dignity and respect for the peacemakers and peacemakers gives to all from generation a seventh sense and magically angelic wings!

Countess Sigrid von Galen
Founder and Chair, Director for International Security Affairs,
Clemens August Graf von Galen Institute

Chair, The International Church Victims Commission
Chair, The Authentic Genealogy Society
Chair, Independent International Investigative Specialist Taskforce
Chair, The Truth Outreach Programme (T.O.P.)


@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
